Wellbeing Vice-President

Emily Storr (She/Her) 

Education President

Your Wellbeing Vice-President is responsible for supporting your wellbeing during your time at St Mary’s! 


Get to know Emily...

What I studied 


My favourite thing about St Mary’s 

I love the fact that it is a small campus, there's a real sense of community here as you really get to know your peers and lecturers.

What I’m looking to achieve this year  

My main aim is to help students be more aware of what support is available for their wellbeing, while also making some positive changes that will help students to feel more comfortable reaching out to these services. I am also hoping to promote student wellbeing through fun campaigns and activities.

One tip for making the most out of St Mary’s 

My top tip is to make the most of all opportunities that come your way. It's always great to try new things during your time at university, whether that be becoming a student ambassador, attending an event you've never been to before or even running in the student elections!

My best Simmie memory 

My best memories are definitely the fun times I have had with the Psychology Society, one that really stands out to me is our end of year celebration where both students and lecturers come together to celebrate the end of the academic year, especially the third-year students who will be graduating soon.