Student group endorsements

As a society or sports club, you can have a large influence on campus.

This endorsement process enables you to get involved and have your say in who should run your Students' Union. Endorsing a candidate means that as a society / sports club, you believe that they would be the best candidate for the role, and your group supports their manifesto.

This means that you can use your society / sports club platforms to openly support the candidate.

Any breach of this process could result in an investigation against the candidate and/or the student group.

The process: 

  • Decide if you as a group want to consider endorsing any candidates.
  • You cannot endorse candidates until they have been officially announced at the AGM on the 16th February and you can read all candidate manifestos which can be found on the SMSU website.
  • Between the 16th-23rd February, the endorsing process occurs. You must hold a democratic meeting online with your committee to discuss if/who you would like to endorse. You can only endorse one candidate per role.
  • Only full members of the committee can take part in the vote. Associate members cannot take part in the vote.
  • There must be majority agreement of the committee. If a candidate(s) is part of the committee, the decision must be made without presence or influence of that candidate(s).
  • A minimum of 2 eligible committee members must be part of the vote, if the result is a draw, the student group cannot endorse.
  • Complete the form via the QR code (top right) to finalise group endorsement process. From the point the form is completed, endorsing can commence.
  • You can decide to endorse at any point during digital week which runs from 18:00 on 16th February - 12:00 (midday) on 23rd February.


Make sure to read the endoresment rules & regulations before deciding to endore. Click here to endorse a candidate.