
Change the Naylor & 60 Waldergrave chairs

by Flo Driver 08 November 2024, 19:48

Category: University Petition

Voting closed


The chairs on 60 Waldergrave and Naylor are hard plastic that easily break, poor back support and unhelpfully small side tables that are not very stable. Lectures at 60 Waldergrave and Naylor can be up to 3 hours long with 10-15 minutes break half way. This makes sitting for prolonged periods very uncomfortable and effects concentration and learning. This is also an issue for those who have medical issues that don't qualify for a student specific modification ie. supportive chair awarded for those with LSF's/DSA's.

On main campus the chairs in lecture/conference rooms such as the Shannon rooms, are cushioned and still stackable.These chairs would be much more suitable and more comfortable. If a chairs like these with some note-taking table would be much better.
